New Information or Upcoming Events

Girl Scout Cookies will be on sale

before and after services on:

Sunday, March 2 - Gracie & Haylee Mathews will be selling cookies.

Bring your cash - cookies are $6.00 a box.

The Theme for the 2025 Lenten Devotional is

The Transformative Power of God’s Love”.


Copies of the Lenten Devotional will be available for you to pick up in the Gathering Space beginning Sunday, March 2nd.


Daily reflections will also be posted on our Facebook page.


South Central Synod of Wisconsin March Newsletter

The newsletter includes a reflection by Marie Leafblad on Daylight Savings, Spring and Travel.

Click Here to read the newsletter.

Change your clocks Saturday night.

Daylight Savings Time begins

Sunday, March 9, at 2:00 am local time.

Spring one hour ahead.

Ash Wednesday - March 5

Location - Messiah    

Soup Supper   6:00 pm    

Worship Service with imposition of ashes  7:00 pm 

We are still looking for people to make soup for our supper.

Please sign up on the Kiosk.

Lenten Worship Opportunities - Volunteers Needed

Extra Notes

  • We are looking for people to provide 6 quarts of soup on March 5 or April 2.

  • If you would like to sign up or have any questions, please sign up on the Kiosk or contact Elizabeth at

        or call/text 608-235-6910.

Walking Together in Lent – A Journey Toward Non-Violence


Please join us in a Lenten Mid-Week collaboration with our neighborhood faith partner St. Paul’s AME Church.


March 19th – Faith, Firearms and Foraging with Jeff Wild

Location -  St. Paul’s AME   -    4525 Diamond Dr. Madison. 

(Please note: St. Paul’s basement is not ADA accessible, but they will set up a fellowship area upstairs where anyone is welcome to sit. Please let Elizabeth know if this would be helpful to you or anyone in your group so they can arrange it.)

Soup Supper
  6 pm     Worship  7 pm

Speaker: Jeff Wild is with Guns to Garden Tools, a program that turns unwanted guns into garden implements. 

Please bring a free-will offering to support Jeff's work.


April 2nd – Focused Interruption with Anthony Cooper 

Location - Messiah     

Soup Supper  6 pm     Worship   7 pm

Speaker:  Anthony Cooper is the founder of Focused Interruption, an organization in Madison that works to reduce trauma from gun violence by providing intervention strategies, prevention strategies, and support to families.

Please bring a free-will offering to support Anthony's work.

Lenten Collections

Hippity, Hoppity, Easter’s On Its Way! 

And we want to make sure it is a happy one for children and adults in our community who may be experiencing economic challenges and/or loneliness. 

YOW, Sunday School and the Community Outreach Team are creating 200 Easter Baskets for children and Easter Bunny Bags for adults for St. Stephen’s Food Pantry, DAIS, Road Home, the Salvation Army Family Shelter, the Extended Hands Food Pantry, Triangle Community Ministry, and to those who receive visits from the Messiah Visitation Team. 

We are asking the Messiah community to donate chocolate eggs, jellybeans, individually wrapped nut-free candies, fruit snacks, lollipops, crayons, gum, pens, small notebooks, deodorant and lotion, decks of cards, adult word searches and coloring books.

In order to ensure we have what we need, please visit the easel outside the office and choose the items you will purchase. You can also reach Elizabeth at or call the office to get added to the list, or make a donation by bringing cash or bringing/mailing a check to the office and writing “Easter Baskets” on the envelope and/or in the memo line. 

Please bring all cash/checks to the office and donations to the Easter-themed box in the gathering space by March 28th. We will be packing and delivering that next week.

Thank you for supporting our Lenten Outreach project.

Fund Drive for Goodman Center Thanksgiving Baskets

Lent is a time of giving to the poor (almsgiving) and following Christ’s teachings more faithfully. In following these teachings, we moved the monetary collection for Thanksgiving baskets to the season of Lent. The Goodman Center has sponsored Thanksgiving Baskets for many years, last year giving away over 4,000 meals! 

A complete meal, including a turkey and all the trimmings, is provided to those in need who have registered. Goodman historically had to buy foil roasting pans as donations were low. It was decided to step in to purchase as many as we could.  Our goal for 2024 was to provide ALL 4,000 pans and Messiah met that goal– and more! 

Please consider donating to this cause during Lent so we can reach our goal and be ready to purchase the pans at the best price we can find (roughly $5500). If using a check, please put “Thanksgiving basket” in the memo line so it is put in the correct account.  You can donate online through REALM by using the “Thanksgiving basket” button. This collection will end at Easter. Your donations are greatly appreciated!

Men's Morning Bible Study - The Book of John - Wednesdays at 7:00 - 8:00 am - Led by Ray Robinson

Wednesdays - March 12th - May 28th

The bible study will meet on Wednesdays at 7:00am in the Meeting Room. Coffee will be served.

The first study will be The Gospel of John. It is from the Book of Faith Series from the ELCA. This series calls “the whole church to become more fluent in the first language of faith, the language of Scripture, in order that we might live our calling as people renewed, enlivened, empowered, and sent by the Word.” The Book of Faith Adult Bible Studies has three primary goals:

  • To increase biblical fluency;
  • To encourage and facilitate informed small group conversations based on God’s Word; and
  • To renew and empower us to carry out God’s mission for the sake of the world.

To accomplish these goals we will look at the Bible text from four different angles and contexts - historical, literary, Lutheran, and devotional.


Sign up on the Kiosk if you are interested. 

Ray Robinson

My name is Ray Robinson and I have been a member of Messiah for about 20 years. I am a retired Southern Baptist minister and recently retired from the field of Education after 45 years.

Over the past year the Lord has laid on my heart that I should facilitate an Adult Men’s Bible Study here at Messiah.

Special Video Thank You to Messiah

from the

Madison Area Jain Ministry Chaplains

Flowers for the Sanctuary


There are only a few slots left for 2025.

Available dates are:


`June 29                                        August 31                                     

September 7, 28                         November 16


Please contact the office if you are interested in any of the above dates.


Cost of flowers is $35.00 which can be paid by cash, check or online


Judy will email you at the beginning of the month for the date you have chosen to find out who the flowers are “In Honor of” or “In Memory of”.


Children, Youth and Family Ministry

Sunday School Enrollment is still OPEN!!

Children who are 3 years old by September 1 through 4th grade are invited to participate in Sunday School Sunday School begins September 22 and runs through the end of April with several weeks off for Christmas and Easter.

We meet from 9:30 - 10:20 AM, between the Sunday services.

Contact Person - Brittany Rusch -

View the Sunday School Calendar Here

Adult Ministry

Martin Luther, The Reformation, and Lutheran Heritage

Dates: March 16, April 27, May 18

Time: 9:20 - 10:20 in the Social Hall

March 16 - Session 2: Reformation, Church History, Martin Luther, 95 Theses

  Session 2 Outline          Click Here

Readings for Session 2   (Click on the title to go to the document)

  1  Reformation, Church History, Martin Luther

  2  95 Theses

Adult Education Webpage

Click on the button "Adult Education more information" to get to  the Adult Education Webpage. There is information about the Liturgical Year and information about Martin Luther and the Reformation under the "Formation", "Adult Education" dropdown on the website.

Contact Person - Rich Valenta -  and

                              Pastor Dan -

Women's Ministry

Below are opportunities to gather with other Messiah women and their friends.

These opportunities are sponsored by the Women's Ministry.

Divine Yoga Returns for Winter Series

March 4, 11, and 18

6:00 - 7:15 pm in the Community Room.

A free will offering will be collected for the Beacon, an organization which helps homeless people access resources during the day.

At our February Ladies Lunch Bunch

we collected $211.00  toward the

 Goodman Center Aluminum Pan Collection

Ladies Lunch Bunch

at LJ's Sports Tavern & Grill

8 N Paterson St, Madison, WI 53703-2478 

Wednesday, March 12th at 11:30

If you would like to carpool, meet at Messiah at 10:45am.

Parking is available in the attached garage. 2nd and 3rd floor in spaces marked LJ's only or you may be ticketed.

If you have any questions please contact Claire Gensch at (920) 319-6731 or Mary Kedzie at 608-716-4600

Michelle Jolly

Women's Wellness Retreat  - God's Wellness Plan

Saturday April, 26th - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Presenter - Michelle Jolly, Healthy Horizons Health Coaching

Women often feel overwhelmed with life and get discouraged about self and ability, which makes it hard to prioritize connecting with God and fitting in all the healthy habits we know we “should” have in our life.

God's Wellness Plan empowers us to integrate healthy habits and Christian faith into daily life through multiple areas of wellness for mind, body and soul. 

This morning retreat will help you find at least one or two new ways to bring health and wellness into your life. 

There will be learning, community building and activity time with a healthy snack and optional light movement.  A short assessment in the beginning will give you ideas of what you want to work on at the retreat and after.

Sign up on the kiosk or contact Elizabeth at or 608-235-6910 to register for the event.

Women's Ministry Book Study -  Loving Jesus by Mark Allan Powell

Thursdays, March 13 - April 17th  - 10:30am - 12:00 noon - in the Meeting Room

This book study is full.

Senior Adult Ministry

SAM Potluck to Feature Live Irish Music - March 26th - 12:00 noon in the Social Hall


 It is still March so that means there is still time for Irish music!

Grand Aul Day is an ensemble of five Madison musicians who play traditional Irish music. You will hear lively jigs, reels, and hornpipes with a few waltzes and slow airs for good measure. The musicians will take time between selections to talk about their unique instruments and answer questions from the audience. The musicians include Thomas Schwab on fiddle, Will Zarwell on whistle and button accordion, Terry Maloney on bodhran and other percussion, Bryan Ogihara on bouzouki and Marilyn Duguid on concertina.


Join SAM at the MGHS Theater on April 12 th - Tickets on sale now


SAM is heading to Monona Grove High School to see the Fine Arts Department’s performance of Footloose.

We will be attending the April 12th performance at 2:00 pm. The matinee performance gives you time to have lunch before the show. Tickets are $12.00 each.

Pick up an order form on the kiosk at church or send an email to Tickets are moving fast so do not delay.

Please note that when you buy your tickets through SAM, you do not pay the service fee on each ticket.

SAM has an excellent relationship with the Fine Arts Department at Monona Grove High School!

Transportation is on your own.


Social Justice Ministry

Social Justice Ministry is the umbrella for several teams working together to promote the work of justice through acts of charity and advocacy. For example, we need to feed people when they are hungry, while we simultaneously need to address the root causes of their hunger. The teams that make up the Social Justice Ministry are: Reconciling in Christ (RIC), The Green Team, Human Trafficking Awareness, Racial Justice Team.

We encourage the congregation to explore this section of the column to find opportunities to educate, affiliate and donate. 

Educate - learn about justice issues facing our community and their root causes.

Affiliate - with Messiah members and local and ELCA partners to advance the work of justice.

Donate - your time, talents and resources

Social Justice Ministry more information

Land Covenants

Dane County weeds out racial property restrictions that date as late as 1969.

We know that many people struggle to find housing. Stable housing provides a secure base from which to raise children, go to school and work, and be part of a community. The opportunity to go beyond renting and to own a home is an important step in securing economic security now and for future generations. However, that journey toward home ownership has been made harder for some than others due to roadblocks that were set up in the form of land covenants.

Land covenants exist for many reasons. Safety covenants might not allow tall buildings near an airport or regulate the height of shrubs at street corners to allow for driver visibility. Some condo associations have covenants that regulate paint color and holiday decorations as a way to have a unified look. 

While these may feel annoying, they often have good reasons and if they feel capricious, they at least apply to all homeowners equally.

However, land covenants have also been used to exclude racial minorities from living in certain areas. Would-be home owners who did not fit the demographics that the current residents of the neighborhood were looking for were legally excluded from living there. 

These exclusions meant that based on nothing other than race (not economics, not criminal record, etc.) some people had less opportunity to live in areas with adequate green space, medical care and grocery stores and were often closer to heavy industry and highways. Over time, this led to declining health and property values, and a higher cost of living to access basic necessities. These disadvantages were passed to future generations. 

We'd like to think this happened somewhere else, in a different time. Please read on to learn about it happening right here in Dane County as recently as 1969.

  • The Board of Supervisors is highlighting and rejecting the discriminatory documents, telling an appalling story of prejudice in Dane County neighborhoods, particularly for Black residents. A new exhibit at Monona Public Library delves into the history of racial covenants. [WKOW, Dane County Historical Society]

Libraries traveling to:       

Monona - February 6th at 6:00 pm          Belleville- March 20 at 6:00 pm              Waunakee - April

Get excited for the RIC book study on One Coin Found.

March 2nd and March 9th from 9:20-10:20 am in the Social Hall, led by our very own Joan Andrusz.

We are reading a memoir of an ELCA pastor and her journey toward love and acceptance in her faith and church as she discovers more deeply her own identity. 

If you are unable to attend the One Coin Found Book Study but are reading it at home, or are curious about our topic, here are a few articles we are reading: 

The prairie is all calm right now as the mulch and snow turn the turf grass into soil. We will begin planting this spring and will be looking for hands, seeds, and plugs.

If you want to get involved in preparing for that, reach out to Pastor Dan at for more info! 

Community Outreach Opportunities - All are invited!!!

Community Outreach more information

Contact Person - Karen Verhagen -

Contact Person - Elizabeth Crummy -

Community Outreach Groups and Leaders

Adopt a School "Kennedy Elementary School" - Paula Darr

Blood Drive - Elizabeth Crummy

Community Meals - Scott DeBroux and Elizabeth Crummy

Craft & Bake Sale - Dawn Olson

Dignity Project - June Nyhus

Habitat for Humanity - Jim Stolzenberg

Prayer Shawl Ministry - Kathy Digman

St. Stephen's Food Pantry - Dee Schwoegler

Community Outreach Collections

February/March - Goodman Thanksgiving Baskets (foil pans) & Easter Baskets

May - Mountain of Food

June - Elizabeth House

July - Backpacks for Schools 

August - Give Kids a Lift

September -

October/November - virtual pies for "Share Your Holidays" (Second Harvest Food Bank)

November - Craft/Bake sale

November/December - Road Home (Christmas Fund), YWCA, Triangle Ministry, East Side Community/Truax

Thank you to the following people who sponsored

 "Give Kids Another Lift

Week of March 3-7

Scott & Ann DeBroux

 Neppl Family, Lyons Family

Two requests from Kennedy

We are still collecting gently used winter clothing, specifically all sizes of snow pants, boots, coats, waterproof mittens and gloves .

We also need smaller sized sweatpants/ pull on pants for when kids get wet in the snow (sizes 5-8)

  • Please donate new or gently used winter gear:
  • Smaller sized sweat pants sizes 5-8
  • underwear all sizes

  • Please no adult sized clothes


May 16 - Kennedy Fun Run!

Planning is underway for the Kennedy Fun Run on Friday, May 16 (rain date May 23).

This is the school’s biggest event (and biggest fundraiser) of the whole year, and it takes a LOT of volunteers to make this event a success. 

If you are able to help, please contact Elizabeth at for more information.

In addition to volunteers at the actual event, they need help ahead of time sizing students for t-shirts, sourcing snacks and supplies, and soliciting sponsors. 

Annual Blood Drive - Tuesday, May 13th

  • If you want to donate whole blood, your previous donation can be no later than March 18, 2025. 
  • If you want to do a power red donation, your previous donation can be no later than January 21, 2025.

You can already schedule yourself to donate.

Click here to make an appointment

Opportunities to provide meals to those in need in our community

Community Meals more information

Our next week for meals is March 9 - 15

Volunteers prepare a complete meal for 12 people.

They bring the meal to Messiah and our team delivers it to Healing House.

Contact Person - Elizabeth Crummy -

St. Stephen’s Food Pantry especially needs:

condiments, baking items and laundry detergent–they recently lost the support of a long-time detergent donor.

They pour liquid detergent into soda bottles that have been rinsed clean (they are sturdier than water bottles) and distribute them to shoppers in manageably-sized containers.

Contact Person - Dee Schwoegler -

The Dignity Project Group will meet on

Saturday, March 8, at 9:30 am

We will resume our workshops on Saturday, January 11th,  from 9:30 to 11:30 in the last education room on the right.  Anyone is welcome to come to see how easy it is to help.  You do not need to own a sewing machine or be able to use one to help with the project.  Enter on the lower level of church at door C and follow  the sign upon entering the building.

We have been able to send 4,284 pads and 1,058 panties this year to Little Dresses For Africa where they are distributed to help girls remain in school to finish their education.  Thank you for your part in providing these girls with dignity.

Anyone seeking information on the project contact June Nyhus at 608-516-4364 05 at

Dignity Project Pamphlet

Boomerang Bag Group  will next gather to sew Boomerang Bags on

Tuesday, March 18th from

10:00 am - 12:00 noon

in the Social Hall.

We are looking for clean cloth or other type of material bags that we can transform into grocery type bags for St. Stephen’s Food Pantry.

There will be a collection bin in the collection area for these items.

Contact Person - Karen Dilley

The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on

Monday, March 24, at 1:00 pm

Our next meeting will be held on  Monday, January 27, from 1:00 - 2:30 pm in the lower level Conference Room.

A decision may be made to change the time to 1:00 pm for the winter. Stay posted.

Most of us see the work of the prayer shawl ministry at baptisms, but the ministry's reach extends beyond that. They provide shawls for high school seniors, for those visited by the visitation ministry and for various places outside Messiah so people know that our community cares and prays for them. See the webpage for more details and how to get involved.

Contact Person - Kathy Digman

Contact Person - Nancy Battist -

Human Trafficking Awareness News  updated February 20th

We are sharing this information from Messiah member Steve Lyons: 

An Act to amend prostitution crime surcharge and making an appropriation is being circulated in the State Capitol for

co-sponsors (and then will become a bill).

It adds an additional $5,000 fine for those who solicit prostitutes, or pander (often associated with human trafficking.) This doesn’t change what criminal charge they are given –it just increases the fines.

This is the second human trafficking bill I have seen – so it is good that it is on their radar.

On March 29th & 30th Jevon Diming will speak during the Messiah Church sermons on her initiative in working with at-risk Black teenage girls, counseling them to understand the effects of generational trauma and to make good decisions. 

Saturday, 3/29 - 5:00 pm service

Sunday, 3/30 - 8:15 am service and 10:30 am service

Between the services 9:15am-10:15 am in the Community room, Jevon will show her 5-minute video and have time for conversations and a Q & A.

Please share this information with others, ALL are welcome to attend.

The Messiah Human Trafficking Awareness group welcomes any of your involvement with making positive change to help with this initiative.  Please visit the   Human Trafficking Awareness Team page to learn more! 

Contact:  Nancy Battist, or Elizabeth Crummy, if you have items you would like to share.

Human Trafficking more information

Contact Person - Tracy Frank -

Contact Person -  Tara Von Dollen -

Contact Person - Elizabeth Crummy -

Racial Justice more information

Bingo Cards are due on November 1st

Stop by our Racial Justice Lending Library located in the downstairs Meeting Room, to check out a book to read. Many different titles, topics and styles available as well as books for teens. 

Check out other recent additions to our Anti-Racism & Social Justice Resources   document. Items highlighted in pink are some of the ideas that our Bingo winners shared for books, movies, podcasts and restaurants.

Madison Action Day

April 10, 2025 beginning at 9:00 am

Madison Masonic Center 301 Wisconsin Avenue

Did you know that Messiah Lutheran Church members have been giving input to legislators about the WI state budget every other year for about a decade? 

This has been done as part of the local
MOSES organization of which Messiah is a member and as a part of the greater WISDOM statewide organization. 

Madison Action Day includes:

  • A morning rally to hear from speakers around the state and learn about the top priorities that WISDOM is advocating for in the state budget. For example, one of the top priorities this year is advocating for the state to ensure there is full funding for special education. 
  • After the morning of learning, lunch is served.
  • Then we will walk or take a bus ride to the capitol to meet with our legislators and their staff for sharing priorities. 

WISDOM makes it very easy for you to learn, connect with other concerned citizens and meet with representatives. Messiah will pay the registration and bus fee for those who are interested in attending. Please sign up on the kiosk or contact Elizabeth Crummy at so she can register you and pay the fee through Messiah. Deadline for registration is March 15th.

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