The Community Outreach Team is part of the Social Justice Ministry. The team meets about 4 times a year to coordinate fundraisers, collections and promote activities which address the needs in our community and world. We invite people to come to the meetings and help us plan, and to watch the weekly news for current collections and activities.
A highlight of the team is hosting the annual Fall Craft & Bake Sale with proceeds donated to local charities.
There are ongoing collections for St. Stephen's Food Pantry, The Road Home and Jail Ministry which the team delivers on a regular basis.
There are collections that occur at designated times of the year such as for Elizabeth House, Mountain of Food, Backpacks and Christmas collections. Members of the team also are involved in various activities such as making prayer shawls, the dignity project and various meal ministries.
The team also supports SAM and the Family Ministry team in their collections and occasionally lets the community know about requests from the ELCA for nationwide disasters.
Messiah and Kennedy Elementary School have an Adopt a School Partenership through the Madison Public Schools Foundation. The goal is to improve student achievement. Over the years, the needs of Kennedy families have increased and Messiah has responded with time, financial and material support.
Kennedy School Ongoing Collections:
All year long we collect items needed by the staff of Kennedy School for students.
New, unopened packages of socks and underwear for boys and girls
Please help supply personal care products for the nurse’s office:
Please see the Weekly News page for special collections or other ways you can help Kennedy.
Messiah members provide meals for Healing House and The Triangle Community Ministry.
Healing House is the first shelter of its kind in our community to provide a safe place when someone needs to prepare for or recover from a medical procedure, childbirth, hospitalization or something similar. More than just a shelter, Healing House offers care by medically trained staff and volunteers for up to 28 days. The eight-bed facility provides clients with three meals a day, child care assistance and case management.
Messiah members prepare a meal for 12 people and bring it to Messiah and Scott DeBroux will deliver it.
Meal should include a mail course, and dessert.
Please contact Elizabeth at to be added to the groups in REALM to receive updates and to sign you up if you cannot make it in to sign up on the Kiosk in the Gathering Space.
Triangle Community Ministry serves over 300 residents living in the Triangle Neighborhood of Madison, WI, most of whom are challenged by chronic mental, emotional, physical, and/or developmental disabilities. TCM is dedicated to the development of personal dignity, self-empowerment, and community building among its residents.
Sign-up is on the Kiosk in the Gathering Space.
This group makes sani-panties (washable pads) for Little Dresses for Africa so that young girls can still go to school. The group holds a workshop once a month to get together and sew
We are quickly moving into the Fall Craft and Bake Sale. November 2 is right around the corner. By mid-September, we had 40% of our 50 spaces rented. If you know any crafters who are looking for a fun fall sale, direct them to Dawn Olson for an application. Vendors will be in the Community Room and the Social Hall.
Boomerang Bags
The Gathering Space will be hosting a bevy of activities. You will be greeted by the Boomerang Bag team who will make sure you have a bag to carry your purchases.
The Bake Sale will have all kinds of delicious treats. We are eager to see what the Messiah bakers bring in. Louise Fosdick and her team of volunteers will welcome your donations Friday evening 4pm-6pm and Saturday morning of the sale.
Take a stroll down Basket Lane. We will have Theme gift baskets donated by Messiah parishioners for sale at $30. You can bet that these baskets will be a great value. Please feel free to contact Karen Verhagen if you would like to donate a basket. There are sign up boards for gift baskets and bake sale in gathering space through October.
Kris Kringle's Kids Shoppe
Over by the fireplace, you will find Kris Kringle’s Kids Shoppe. This will be a great shopping place for kids. All shoppe items priced at $5.00 or under, another great value at the sale. Louise Uttech has a bin for collection of NEW items (small toys, mugs, cards, jewelry, crafts) in Messiah bin area outside the Community Room. Kris Kringle’s elves will help with shopping and wrapping these special gifts. Please spread the word about Kris Kringle’s Shoppe to your family and friends.
YOW will be providing lunch for sale in the Social Hall 11am to 1 pm to fill the shopper’s appetite. If you would like to volunteer to help at the sale, before and/or after, contact Dawn Olson or any of the other coordinators for a spot.
All proceeds from the sale will be received by the charities, Briarpatch and Luke House selected by Social Outreach Ministry. The earnings will be matched by the Gundlach Fund. Messiah supports Briarpatch and Luke House as part of our mission in the community.
We are looking forward to seeing you all at the sale for early holiday shopping.
Come on in and enjoy the Messiah hospitality.
Each year Messiah and Gunderson Funeral Home sponsor a Red Cross blood drive at Messiah Lutheran Church. Members volunteer to greet and visit with people as they donate, as well as host the snack area.
2025 Blood Drive - Tuesday, May 13th
If you want to donate whole blood, your previous donation can be no later than March 18, 2025.
If you want to do a power red donation, your previous donation can be no later than January 21, 2025.
You can already schedule yourself to donate.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry group meets once a month to make prayer shawls. Shawls are provided to the Messiah community for the newly baptized, high school seniors, and for the visitation ministry to bring to homebound and hospitalized members. The ministry extends its reach outside Messiah to those experiencing challenging situations to know that our community cares and prays for them. Recent recipients include Elizabeth House, Triangle Community Ministry, Breast Cancer Recovery Retreats and Agrace Hospice. Please contact Kathy Digman to learn how you can be involved.
Each year a team travels for a week to support a Habitat for Humanity project. Team members work Monday through Thursday on a home already in progress, or other times they construct walls for new builds or do projects at a Habitat ReStore.
Boomerang Bags is about connecting communities, making bags, diverting waste, starting conversations, fostering sustainable behaviour, and having a bit of fun!
Here at Messiah we have a group of members who gather on the thrid Tuesday of each month and work on different parts of the Boomerang Bag projects.
Some members sew bags at home in their spare time, and some work on other parts of the bag making process.
Contact Karen Dilley for more information.
Community Outreach Groups and Leaders
Adopt a School "Kennedy Elementary School" - Paula Darr
Blood Drive - Elizabeth Crummy
Boomerang Bags - Karen Dilley
Community Meals - Scott DeBroux and Elizabeth Crummy
Craft & Bake Sale
Craft Sale - Dawn Olson
Bake Sale - Louise Fosdick
Kris Kringle Shoppe - Louise Uttech
Gift Baskets - Karen Verhagen
Dignity Project - June Nyhus
Habitat for Humanity - Jim Stolzenberg
Prayer Shawl Ministry - Kathy Digman
St. Stephen's Food Pantry - Dee Schwoegler
Community Outreach Team Collections
February/March - Goodman Thanksgiving Baskets (foil pans) & Easter Baskets
May - Mountain of Food
June - Elizabeth House
July - Backpacks for Schools
August - Give Kids a Lift
September - Undie Sunday monetary collection
October/November - virtual pies for "Share Your Holidays" (Second Harvest Food Bank)
November - Craft/Bake sale
November/December - Road Home (Christmas Fund), YWCA, Triangle Ministry, East Side Community/Truax
Monday - Thursday 8 am - 2 pm
Friday - 8 am - noon