How glad we are that you found your way to Messiah Lutheran Church. While we are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America we are a community of over 2000 people from many different faith backgrounds. We are Lutheran, Catholic, UCC, Methodist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Baptist and more! As you might imagine it takes many staff people to serve the various ministries that consist of hundreds of volunteers. And we have a terrific staff! Below you will find contact information for various positions. We are excited to be working alongside of you and always open to your messages, feedback and suggestions. Together let us do the mission of Jesus.
Associate Pastor
Business Manager
Executive Ministry Assistant
Ministry Support Specialist
Coordinator of Children & Family Ministry
Coordinator of Youth & Family Ministry
Coordinator of Senior Adult Ministry
Coordinator of Worship & Music
Videographer & Streaming
Adult Education
Building Staff
Building Staff
Building Staff
Janitorial Services
Kathy Lukens - President - Senior Adult Ministry Nancy Beszhak - Adult Ministry Charlotte Miller - Youth/Family Ministry
Matt Gitzlaff - Vice President - Children/Family Ministry Kevin Firchow - Building/Grounds Andrea Voss - Stewardship
Holly Tunak - Secretary Bruce Frey - Social Outreach Ministry Online Community
Tim Coulthart - Treasurer Cara Musick - Women's Ministry
Music Ministry
Visitation Team
Pr. Dan O'Brien
Monday - Thursday 8 am - 2 pm
Friday - 8 am - noon