Dignity Project Group

The Dignity Project resumed their monthly workshops on Saturday January 11th.  There were 12 of us there which was the largest group we have ever had.  Thanks to all of you that were able to come. Our next workshop will be on February 8th from 9:30 to 11:30 in the last Sunday School room on the right on the lower level of the church.


Our yearly total for 2024 was 4,284 pads and 1058 panties sent.  Which brings the total number of pads and panties sent to Little Dresses For Africa over the last 5 years to 14,580 pads and 2,928 panties.  Many thanks to all who contributed to this project in any way.   

Come Join Us!!!  You do not need to know how to sew to help with the project. 

We always need people to help cut the pieces for our sewers to sew.

Contact June Nyhus at 608-516-4364 or jnyhus1@yahoo.com with any questions.

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